International Women's Day celebration with the leading hospitality design figures

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International Women's Day celebration with the leading hospitality design figures, including our Executive Director Una Barac featured in Hotel Designs.

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To celebrate International Women’s Day, Hotel Designs collected the thoughts of women who have and are breaking boundaries in international hotel design.

Let’s hear from our Executive Director Una Barac on what the next step towards equality in design, architecture and hospitality needs to be.

Una Barac:  “Sadly, there is still a way to go for women, and minorities, in the hospitality design sector across the world. If you look around, you find very few women at senior board level. Yet, studies repeatedly show that diversity is not only good for an organisation’s culture but results in better business outcomes.

At Atellior we are now 35 people across two offices, 22 of whom are women, and we pick our people based on their talent. Having grown up in Eastern Europe when it was governed by socialist ideology, one positive result was that I completely believed in gender equality. That’s why I eventually set up my own business!”